FUE Hair Treatment is a technique used for hair transplantation. FUE stands for 'Follicular Unit Extraction' and is a method where hair follicles are individually or in small groups extracted from the donor area (usually the back or side of the scalp) using special tools, and then transplanted to the recipient area.


FUE Hair Treatment typically involves the following steps:


1. **Identification of Donor Area**: The area from which hair follicles will be extracted, known as the donor area, is identified. This is typically the back or side of the scalp as these areas are usually unaffected by hair loss.


2. **Extraction of Hair Follicles**: Hair follicles are extracted individually or in small groups from the donor area using specialized microsurgical tools. Each hair follicle is harvested in small groups called follicular units, which are important for natural growth.


3. **Preparation of Recipient Area**: The extracted hair follicles are carefully placed to ensure the density and natural appearance of the recipient area. The recipient area is typically the front hairline, top of the scalp, or temples.


4. **Implantation of Hair Follicles**: The extracted hair follicles are carefully implanted into the recipient area. This is done in a way that closely matches the natural hair growth pattern and aesthetic requirements of the recipient area.


FUE Hair Treatment is usually performed under local anesthesia due to its minimally invasive nature, and the patient is typically discharged on the same day. The recovery period generally ranges from a few days to a week, and the transplanted hair grows and can be styled like natural hair.


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