Diabetes surgery, also known as metabolic surgery, refers to surgical procedures used in the management of type 2 diabetes associated with obesity. These surgical procedures aim to alleviate the symptoms of type 2 diabetes by either reducing or controlling obesity.


Diabetes surgery typically includes the following procedures:


1. Gastric bypass surgery: In this procedure, the stomach is made smaller and the intestines are rerouted. This can contribute to both weight loss and improvement in diabetes symptoms.


2. Gastric banding surgery: In this procedure, a band is placed around the stomach, dividing it into a smaller pouch. This can help the person eat less and lose weight.


3. Sleeve gastrectomy: In this procedure, the stomach is converted into a tube, with a smaller capacity. This can contribute to weight loss by reducing the amount of food consumed.


Diabetes surgery can be an effective option in the management of type 2 diabetes associated with obesity. However, surgical procedures always carry risks and should be carefully evaluated along with other treatment options.


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Klinik Mavi


As Klinik Mavi, we are by your side in the fight against obesity. We are here to open the doors to a healthy life and elevate your quality of life. Klinik Mavi addresses the issue of obesity with it


