Hallux valgus surgery is a surgical procedure performed to correct a condition where the big toe is bent and causes a protrusion on the base of the foot. This condition occurs when the big toe turns inward and pushes against the other toes on the side.


During the surgery, the bent part of the big toe is corrected, and the bones of the foot are realigned. In some cases, protrusions between the bones of the big toe are removed or corrected. During the postoperative period, patients are often subjected to a period of restricted walking, using a special shoe or brace to protect their feet.


Hallux valgus surgery can be performed using various techniques depending on the severity of the patient's symptoms, foot structure, and the need for surgical intervention. The surgery is done to reduce pain in the patient's foot, regain mobility, and increase comfort when wearing shoes.




He was born in Gaziantep in 1978. He completed his primary, secondary and high school education in Gaziantep. He started his university life at Istanbul Çapa Medical Faculty in 1995. He graduated as


Op. Dr. Yusuf Ünal


İngilizce:'Born on November 21, 1970, in Osmaniye, he completed his primary, middle, and high school education there. After that, he received his medical education at KTU Faculty of Medicine and co


